Video Ming is a popular site to download MP4 songs. Not only downloading, you can tag tracks, be a part of the discussions, and find out what is latest in the music world. is an excellent way for downloading the music videos of your taste. Once you place your search in Torrentz ,it will surely land you in different links and help you. There are many links available which helps you to download MP4 songs. Torrentz is the most popular website to download MP4 music and movies. Here goes the list of top 50 websites to download MP4 songs: Just a click on the URL and you are ready to download your favorite songs on your computer, mobile, iPad and any gadget you are comfortable.
To make your search a smooth one, we have listed 50 sites that are sure to help you download MP4 songs. These sites provide quality videos with various file formats like MP4, AVI, MP3, 3GP, etc. To assist you in this there are many paid and free sites. You can download music of all genres: music from Hollywood, Bollywood, private music albums, songs of specific artists and many more. Part 1: Top 50 Sites To Download MP4 Songs